Online Database
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Online Database
This database, produced by Elsevier B.V., provides information from 1995 to the present. The content covers a wide range of subjects including life sciences, biochemistry, pharmacology, medicine, nursing, dentistry, engineering, environmental science, computer science, materials science, physics, psychology, economics, business, arts, and humanities. It offers abstracts and citations for 80 million records, 25,300 titles, and 6,500 publishers. Each user can access information by searching, browsing, printing, downloading, and storing specific data, as well as linking to the web database through the internet.
IEEE Computer Society
This database covers the field of computer science and related areas, including over 30 full-text electronic journal titles and more than 9,000 conference proceedings. It provides information from 1955 to the present.
Cambridge Core
This is an electronic book database from Cambridge University Press, covering interdisciplinary content such as science, technology, medicine, humanities, and social sciences. The university has subscribed to 77 book titles.
Taylor & Francis Group
This is an electronic book database from Taylor & Francis, covering content in science and technology, engineering, business administration, economics, public administration, law, forensic science, agriculture, public health, etc. Users can read, save, copy, and print books published between 1999 and March 2010, for a total of 6,546 titles subscribed to by the library.
IG Library
This is an electronic book database from iG Publishing, covering subjects such as business administration and management, economics, political science, governance, law, international relations, case studies in Southeast Asian countries, education, library science, language and linguistics, science and technology, nursing, etc. Users can copy, print, download, translate into various languages, and access dictionary and other functions.
WILEY Online Library
Wiley Online Library is an electronic book database from John Wiley & Sons, covering subjects such as science and technology, computers, environment, nutrition, nursing, etc. Users can print, copy, and download 38 items subscribed to by the university.
IEEE Xplore
The Library (IEL) collects information from Electronics Engineers (IEEE) journals, magazines, progress reports, meeting documents, and IEEE standards documents, totaling over 4,600,000 items.
The Thailand Library Integrated System project (ThaiLIS) and the network of cooperation between university/institution libraries collaboratively produce full-text documents in electronic form, including theses/dissertations and research papers. It provides a full-text document database search service, comprising theses and research reports from faculty members collected from universities across the country. This service is available only to members of the ThaiLIS network, including students, faculty, and staff."
The Emerald Management has the full text of 210 journals covering 9 management subjects:
1) Accounting, Finance & Economics
2) Business, Management & Strategy
3) Tourism & Hospitality Management
4) Marketing
5) Information & Knowledge Management
6) HR, Learning & Organization Studies
7) Operations, Logistics & Quality
8) Property Management & Built Environment
9) Public Policy & Environmental Management
Cambridge Core
The American Chemical Society's database offers articles and research from journals in chemistry and related fields, both from printed and electronic journals. The search handed back Full Text and images dating back to 1996.
The SpringerLink-Journal is a database of electronic journals covering science, technology, and health science. Contains over 1,800 full-text journals and documents from 1997 to the present.
ScienceDirect is a full-text journal article database in 4 categories:
1) Agricultural and Biological Sciences
2) Computer Science
3) Engineer
4) Social Sciences
Data is available from 2010 to the present.
AMC Digital Library
The ACM Digital Library is a computer and information technology database compiled from ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)'s periodicals, newsletters, and proceedings. The content includes important information such as bibliographic lists, abstracts, article reviews, and full-text articles, the database contains data from 1985 to the present.
EBSCO Engineering
This database is designed for engineering experts and researchers in engineering. The collection covers a wide range of content related to various engineering disciplines such as aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, and software engineering.
Full-text publications of no fewer than 1,600 titles.
Indexes and abstracts of academic journals, magazines, and publications related to engineering, totaling more than 3,000 titles.
The EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Plus Full Text is an online research retrieval system that can access all the databases subscribed to by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation for all 80 member institutions. It provides accurate search results and the best relevance ranking. It comes with Education Source, the world's largest full-text education database, which includes full-text information, indexes, abstracts, and conference papers related to education. This database covers all levels of education, including specializations in education, and contains more than 900 non-open access full-text journal titles.
EBSCO Academic Search
The Academic Search Ultimate is the world's largest and best multidisciplinary database of academic journals, magazines, publications, and videos covering all fields of study, that include engineering, astronomy, anthropology, biomedical science, health, law, mathematics, pharmacology, education, women's science, animal science, and many more. This database is an upgraded version of Academic Search Complete, which contains the full text of over 5,000 non-open access journals.
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